What causes a Herniated Disc?

    There are several possible causes for a herniated disc. The most common is the wear-and-tear process of aging. With the constant movement of our bodies, the outer wall of the cervical disc can develop small cracks, tears or weak spots that let the inner core extrude. This common cause usually occurs to people between the ages of 30 and 50 and is more prevalent amongst smokers. In some cases, herniation can occur as a result of severe trauma to the cervical spine from serious accidents or falls.

    How is Cervical Degenerative Disc disease diagnosed?

    To get the best and most efficient treatment for your degenerative disc disease, you’ll need the most accurate diagnosis. At IGEA Brain, Spine & Orthopedics, the diagnostic process generally includes:

    • In-depth questioning about your medical history with grievances about any symptoms, their severity and treatments you have had in the past.
    • Physical examinations that will test your limitations of movement, balance and pain. Other factors such as your reflexes, muscle weakness and loss of sensation will also be evaluated.
    • Diagnostic exams (e.g. x-rays) are additionally used to find any other problems such as tumors and infections. The film will help your doctors determine the location of your problem and if there has been any loss of height between your discs.

    The symptoms of Cervical Degenerative Disc disease?

    Unfortunately, aging comes with undesired changes in our bodies and disc degeneration is usually one of them. While this isn’t always a problem, disc degeneration can cause discs to lose height and become stiff. When this occurs, nerve impingement, joint and bone inflammation, and crippling pain can follow. When you’ve been subjected to these symptoms, you’ll know that medical assistance for your disc degeneration is a must. At IGEA Brain, Spine & Orthopedics, we are determined to offer you our most advanced services to make your recovery as effective as possible.

    Does chronic back pain have prolonged effects?

    The causes of chronic back pain are usually categorized into four areas:

    • Injury
    • Infection
    • Caused by disease
    • Mechanical back pain

    While chronic back pain is the leading cause for doctor visits, many will often refuse to seek medical attention. Waiting for medical help could possibly result in a myriad of additional problems to your health. These can include:

    • Depression
    • Anxiety
    • Stress
    • Mood swings
    • Irregular weight changes

    Is my back pain serious?

    There are countless reasons which can cause chronic back pain, with most falling under four categories: injuries, infections, diseases, and mechanical back pain. Back pain is one of the leading reasons for doctor visits in America but some people wait until their pain is almost unbearable before seeking medical attention. Your pain may not be serious, but the only way to find out is by visiting a physician who will run physical tests and scans that will determine the severity and exact location of your problem.

    Is surgery necessary for a Cervical Herniated Disc?

    Medication usually provides relief from the pain caused by a cervical herniated disc and a soft collar can generally be used to provide stability to your posture. However, these methods may not be enough to alleviate your condition. If the pain and discomfort you feel is simply unbearable, we strongly suggest you fight the effects with our state-of-the-art discectomy. This procedure will use highly-advanced methods and equipment to help treat your back and make a difference in your health.